Hot Lili Reinhart

Lili Reinhart was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and at an early age, developed a passion for the performing arts. Lili took dance classes for 10 years and also performed in many local musicals before she signed with her first agency in Cleveland when she was 11. She traveled from Ohio to New York almost once a month for over a year to audition for numerous projects that she and her Mom found on online casting websites. It was in New York where she met her manager, Dara Gordon, in 2011. After meeting Gordon, Lili soon signed with ICM. She later switched to UTA. The best stuff happens when you take a chance. When you risk something and do the thing that the other people are taking a chance on, on a network kind of level, they will be rewarded. You know, risk-reward. There's no difference between my persona on Twitter and Instagram and in real life. Some people say the things I do are annoying because I'm intentionally trying too hard to be relatable, but I'm really not. It's never really been my intention; I've never gone out of my way to be relatable to anyone. I just say what I want, and I'm pretty blunt about things.

Lili Reinhart
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